Orthodox Chants and Folk songs

Unique Old Church Acoustics. Recorded directly in Raifa monastery.

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CD "The Raifa Parable" (2009):
    Folk Songs and Romances.


Раифская ПРИТЧА

CD "My Heavenly Queen" (2000):
    Russian Orthodox Liturgy Chants.

contents                  Buy it now on iTunes >>

Царице моя преблагая

CD "Those Evening Bells" (2000):
    Russian Folk Songs and Romances.

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Вечерний звон

CD "Revival" (2001):
    Russian Orthodox Liturgy Chants.

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CD "Joy, heavenly bride" (2001):
Orthodox Liturgy Chants.

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Радуйся, Невесто неневестная!

CD "Learning to sing orthodox Chants." (2001):
    Russian Orthodox Liturgy Chants.


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CD "Beneath Thy Mercy"(2005):
    Orthodox Liturgy Chants.

contents                 Buy it now on iTunes >>

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